Price List
1 night - 2 persons
double room occupied by 2 persons staying one night
from 1.300 CZK
2 nights - 2 pax
from 1.200CZK
3 nights and more - 2 persons
dvoulůžkový pokoj pro 2 osoby na 3 a více nocí
from 1.100 CZK
Double room occupied as single by 1 person
Discount 150 CZK / night
Individual surcharge on top seasons, weekends, special periods.
* The prices includes City tax in amount of 50 CZK / 1 person / 1 night
** We do not provide breakfast
*** The price excludes parking 200 CZK or 8 EURs / night
**** WiFi included

Garden room
Krásný světlý pokoj s vlastním sociálním zařízením a manželskou postelí. Nachází se v přízemí naší vily. Nice comfortable room on the ground floor connected with the spacious garden. Equipped with bathroom (shower) and toilet. Heating. TV, WiFi. Sofa.

Double room - 2nd floor
This room has large double bed, Exceptional view on the city. Separate entry from main staircase. The shower is in the room and the toilet for this room is right next to main entry door. TV, WiFi.

Attic room - 3rd Floor
Attic room is located on the 3rd floor. It is not comfortable for disabled people. It has beautiful view on Prague and is extremly quite and has privacy. Entry from main staircase. The shower, bathroom and toilet is just for this room below this room connected with private but steap staircase. It is private just for accommodated guests from this room. TV. WiFi.
There are two same attic rooms next to each other but we occupy just one always to provide private bathroom. If there would be demand for three of four persons who would agree to share the bathroom, that this is the right solution we offer.